Our core believes and most important values
Who we are…
Family owned business with local reach in your communities that cares and is passionate about helping others and making your talents work now and in the future. We have been in your community for many generations, and we know what is important to you.
What we do…
We listen! We are passionate about YOU, so tell us what you would like to do in your career. We will help you get there!
How we do it…
It is fun to us! We believe YOU should have fun as well. We make the match that strengthens your core values.
Our philosophy…
We do it right the first time! By providing in the community, our passion shows! We will help you feel welcomed and feel in control. If you felt like it was easy, then we are happy!
Why choose us…
Did we mention our Passion?! You want a team on your side that cares and is passionate about what we do. We just ask for the chance to show you how valued you are to us!
A successful team beats with one heart
Contact Info
Phone: 800.920.0024
email: info@williammyersgroup.com
503 E. Nifong Blvd Suite H #174
Columbia MO 65201